Study-J Students Management Page

Want to terminate lessons.

  • ■If you would like to terminate your lessons, please contact us from this ‘students management page’. If you contact us by 10th of the month, your lesson will terminate at the end of the same month. If you are unable to contact us before 10th, your lesson will terminate at the end of the next month.
  • ■You can not terminate lessons in the middle of the month.
  • ■Once your lesson is terminated, you are not eligible to take lessons. Lesson fees already paid will not be refunded.


Thank you for having taken Study-J lessons. We kindly ask you to give us your feedback to improve our service in the future.

Please select reason(s) for terminating lessons.(You can choose more than one.)


Thank you very much for answering the questionnaire.

Please enter student’s name, student ID and email address.
Student’s name
Student ID
Email address
Email address(Enter email address again.)